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Accused criminal passed out mid-crime


GREEN FOREST — At approximately 8:51 p.m., on Oct. 4, Green Forest police were dispatched to an apartment complex on a report that a man was attempting to steal speakers from a motor vehicle. According to the affidavit of probable cause filed in Carroll County Eastern District Circuit Court on Oct. 14, when Officer Michael Voigt arrived on the scene, a witness reported that she had come outside to her vehicle and discovered her neighbor was sitting inside of it, “passed out,” with an unhooked speaker box in his lap.
The witness’s boyfriend had also seen the man and had taken a photograph of the individual — later determined to be 49 year-old Jason Woods, passed out in the vehicle as they found him. The couple reported to police that when the boyfriend snapped off the photo, Woods awoke and exited the vehicle.
Officer Voight located Woods near the residence, wearing the same lavender tie-dyed shirt seen on the individual in the photograph. The officer questioned Woods about whether he had been in the neighbors’ vehicle. Voight reported, “I asked Jason if he was inside his neighbors’ vehicle and he stated he did not know and advised he might have been. Jason then stated it had been a long day and he was really tired and if he broke any laws, I needed to arrest him.”