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Men's pool tournament, walk in the park and bean bag baseball


The Newton County Senior Activity and Wellness Center in Jasper will hold a men's pool tournament on April 19. Instead of the Meals on Wheels parade this year, the center will sponsor a Walk in the Park April 23 from 5-7 p.m. at Bradley Park. Get sponsors to support you in memory of or honor of someone tucked by Melas on Wheels or the center. Bean bag baseball will be played at Marshall on April 24.
Meals at the center are served Monday through Friday from 11:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. The suggested donation for members is $4. No age limit and carry outs cost $6.60.
April 18-24
Thursday - Baked chicken on bun, barbecue sauce, baby bakers, creamy coleslaw and banana pudding.
Friday - Spaghetti and meat sauce, broccoli florets, breadstick and chilled pineapple.
Monday - Chopped steak, au Gratin potatoes, buttered corn, wheat bread and fruit salad.
Tuesday - Chicken tenders, tater tots, green beans, dinner roll and pineapple upside down cake.
Wednesday - French dip sandwich, mixed vegetables and fruit crisp.