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Harrison Al-Anon Family Group celebrates 60th anniversary


This year marks the 60th Anniversary of the Harrison Al-Anon Family Group fellowship. On February 1, 1964, the Harrison group registered with the World Service Office as an official group of Al-Anon. It has continued for 60 years to provide mutual support of recovery to the relatives and friends of alcoholics. The group celebrated this accomplishment with a celebration on March 23.
The Al-Anon program can aid the recovery process for the entire family through hope,
comfort and loving interchange among members having the common problem of alcoholism in a family member or friend. If you are worried by someone’s drinking, Al-Anon can help. The group meets on Wednesday mornings at 10 o'clock at 206 S Cherry in Harrison. There are Zoom meetings on Monday at 6:30 and Friday at 11:30. Call 870-741-5882 or 479-857-8281 for more information. You can also find more information by visiting al-anon.org.