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Emergency line of succession policy for sheriff approved


JASPER — The Newton County Quorum Court met Monday night, Aug. 5, and passed both an ordinance and a resolution approving a line of succession of the Newton County sheriff during an emergency vacancy.
The actions confirm Sheriff Glenn Wheeler has adopted an official policy statement in accordance to state law establishing a line of succession for the office of sheriff, and a copy of the resolution shall be provided to the director of the Arkansas Department of Emergency Management (ADEM).
The law requires that during an emergency or circumstances that warrant a declaration of an emergency, a vacancy in the office of county sheriff due to death or disability to the degree of inability to perform the duties of office shall be temporarily filled by a policy statement of the sheriff issued prior to the incapacity of the sheriff.
The statement designates three persons in succession to fill the vacancy of the office of county sheriff on an interim basis until such time as the vacancy is filled by the quorum court as provided by law or the disability of the sheriff is abated.
The line of succession for the sheriff is hereby established in order of succession as follows:
1. Newton County Chief Deputy
2. Newton County Jail Administrator
3. Newton County Senior Corporal
The court passed an ordinance to amend the 2024 Road Department budget. The funds that were unanticipated, unappropriated but actually received total $210,019.58. The money was provided through FEMA and the state for the Bass bridge construction project.
The court also passed Resolution 24-04 stating the court supports the nation of Israel's right to defend itself by any and all means for its protection.
The meeting ended with time given to hear comments from the public. One constituent voiced his concern of four county roads that are being neglected citing in particular a half-mile section County Road 8406, Lone Beech Road. The constituent also complained that his trash is not being picked up despite it being in county-provided trash bags.