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FAYETTEVILLE – The Honors College at the U of A has selected 19 outstanding freshman students to participate in its’ Path Program, which provides both financial support and guidance to students from underrepresented populations.
Casey Christy, of Kingston High School, was among the students named.
In addition to receiving scholarships, mentorship and academic advising, Path scholars live in Hotz Honors Hall and benefit from academic and study abroad opportunities.
This cohort of students marks the 11th year of the program. There are currently 92 Path scholars enrolled at the U of A. Over the last decade, Path scholars have made a tremendous impact on campus, and alumni are excelling in a wide range of career paths, from pursuing international biomedical engineering fellowships to leading teams in the business world to teaching English in Japan.
“The 11th cohort of Path Scholars comes from across Arkansas and brings a range of experiences and interests,” said Xochitl Delgado Solorzano, assistant dean and director of the Path Program. “We are excited to welcome these exceptional students to campus and support them on their academic journey."
The 19 students will receive academic scholarships of up to $5,500, thanks to an endowment of $5.5 million from the Walton Family Charitable Support Foundation and generous gifts from Lee and Beverly Bodenhamer, Carolyn and Nick Cole, Lynda Coon, Orville and Susan Hall, Bob and Linda McMath, Mike Pierce and Tricia Starks, Charles and Reynelda Robinson and the Willard & Pat Walker Charitable Foundation. This past year, Path alumni also raised funds for an additional scholarship in honor of the program’s 10-year anniversary.