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Skywarn® class set for weather spotters


A Skywarn® class for Jasper will be held on Saturday, July 20, at 10 a.m. in the Newton County Courthouse courtroom.
The class is open to anyone interested in learning more about severe weather and identifying cloud formations of interest to the weather service during severe weather and reporting to them.
SKYWARN® is a National Weather Service (NWS) program developed in the 1960s that consists of trained weather spotters who provide reports of severe and hazardous weather to help meteorologists and emergency managers make life-saving warning decisions. There are well over 300,000 active SKYWARN Weather Spotters in the U.S. Spotters are concerned citizens, amateur radio operators, truck drivers, mariners, airplane pilots, emergency management personnel, and public safety officials who volunteer their time and energy to report on hazardous weather impacting their community. The first steps in becoming an official NWS SKYWARN Weather Spotter is to complete training on weather hazards and their reporting in your area.
Contact class organizer Terry Atwood or Newton County OEM Director Shane Kilgore for more information.