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New updates on cancer and need for continued vigilance to stay healthy


The Newton Cancer Support Group wants our county residents aware of fact we as non profit group still have funds to help those finding trouble to pay for gas for treatments, doctor appointments to confirm diagnosis, diagnostic tests, scans, MRI’s and blood work.
So many visits to places even if to Harrison mount up and gets costly, said Susan McSweeney, the coordinator for the group. Those with cancer need all their energies to be placed on less stress, good nutrition and some exercise.
"We at Newton County Support Group have funds to help ….all that is needed is call me and give out a little information about your diagnosis, treatments," she said. "The information is kept private and you don’t have to worry, the help financially is a gift."
The newest cancer data for 2024 still predicts 611,720 deaths from this disease this year. The leading data is seeing increases in areas including breast, pancreas, uterine, prostate, liver and skin melanomas, cervical, and colorectal cancer which are increasing alarmingly in people aged 50 and younger. Cancer is still the leading cause of death in the US. Colorectal cancer is now the 4th leading cause of death in ages below 59.

Early detection is key. Risk of cancer can be reduced further by following a good diet that includes vegetables and less red meat, and exercising at least 150 minutes a week.
If you need help call McSweeney at 870-446-7878 or write,
HC 72 Box 25, Parthenon AR 72666.
"Thank you for your support through fundraisers and donations, Community health and support to those with cancer our goal," she said.