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Application period for Historic County Courthouse and Historic Preservation Restoration Grants


LITTLE ROCK — September 16, 2024 - The Arkansas Historic Preservation Program (AHPP) is pleased to announce the opening of the grant application period for the Historic County Courthouse and Historic Preservation Restoration grants. The application period will commence on September 18, 2024.
This year, AHPP is introducing an optional pre-application step, the Letter of Intent (LOI), to assist applicants in project development and identify the best preservation practices according to the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation (SOIs). The LOI provides AHPP the opportunity to offer guidance and ensure that projects align with these standards.
Key Deadlines:
LOI Application Deadline: Wednesday, November 13, 2024
Courthouse Application Deadline: Monday, January 27, 2025
Historic Preservation Restoration Application Deadline: Wednesday, March 5, 2025
Applicants are encouraged to submit their LOI and final applications via the AHPP’s online portal at http://bit.ly/2gNJ8dP.
The AHPP grants are designed to encourage and promote the preservation of Arkansas’s historic resources by providing financial assistance for the restoration of historic properties.