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We have several events happening in the Hilltop and Compton communities in the next few weeks. The Hilltop Community is having the chili cook-off this evening (Saturday) at 5:00 p.m. Bring a pot of chili or some sides and come enjoy the evening to support the Hilltop Community Building Fund.
The Compton Volunteer Fire Department Auxiliary group met on Tuesday evening to discuss the upcoming chili supper. The Chili Supper will take place on Saturday evening from 5-8 at the old Compton School and Cafeteria (Compton Community Building). There will be chili, brown beans and cornbread, hotdogs and all the fixings. The department will be accepting donations for your meal. Suggested prices are $6 for adults and $3 for children under 12 years old. A 50/50 raffle will take place that evening. You may purchase tickets at the event. Cost of tickets are $1 per ticket or 6 tickets for $5. The fire department is raising funds to purchase a 25-gallon sprayer for the new side-by-side. The Compton Community Association will be having a clean up day that morning at 10 a.m. on the grounds of the old school. Fundraising efforts are on-going for the upkeep and repair of the Community Building. Everyone is invited to attend both events.
The New Hope Full Gospel Church members enjoyed a fellowship meal and Bible Study last Friday evening. We plan to do this once each month. The Bible Study is the book of Revelation. I am teaching the study. We began with the Seven Churches of Asia and will continue with a new topic in November.
It has been a busy week for me with meetings in Northwest Arkansas and in Little Rock. It is always good to come home after being away for a few days.
Congratulations to Jaxon Woods on his fourth-place finish in the State Golf Tournament. He made All State, which is quite an accomplishment. We are proud of Jaxon, who is the son of Travis and Kristy Woods, of Compton.
Our thoughts are with those in the states affected by the hurricanes. We are blessed to live in this part of the country. The leaves have begun to turn colors and signs of Fall are everywhere.