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Buffalo River Watershed landowners invited to participate in project


Landowners in the Buffalo River Watershed were invited to join an online kickoff meeting for the Buffalo River Enhancement Project on July 7.
John Pennington, extension water quality educator for the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture, said the meeting was intended to help interested stakeholders get up to speed on the project’s objectives.
“This meeting introduced the project, project partners, rationale, goals, and resources for landowners in the watershed,” Pennington said.
As part of the enhancement project, landowners and agricultural producers in the Buffalo River Watershed are eligible to receive conservation assistance funding to implement conservation practices to help maintain and improve water quality. Additionally, watershed landowners are eligible for assistance from the project partners aimed at eradicating feral hog populations, preventing erosion and managing pastures and unpaved roads in the area.
Clay Word, river conservation manager with the Nature Conservancy, a partner in the project, described the projects long-term goals.
“Broadly, the program will provide management solutions and alternatives for pasture management, stream management, and unpaved road management,” Word said. “These management practices will strive to reduce landowner financial costs and improve overall farm productivity while also improving water quality throughout the watershed.”

The project is funded through the Natural Resources Conservation Service Regional Conservation Partnership Program and includes partners from The Arkansas Department of Agriculture Forestry Division and Natural Resource Division, Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service, the Center for Training Transportation Professionals, the Buffalo River Foundation, the Buffalo Conservation District, The Nature Conservancy and the Searcy County Agricultural Conservation Cooperative.
“Through this large partnership the program is able to provide a wide variety of resources to meet a diverse set of landowner needs,” Word said.
Pennington said there will be multiple sign-up opportunities for this special assistance over the next five years with up to $400,000 additional conservation funding available to share among qualifying landowners annually.
“The importance is that not only can these forms of conservation assistance help protect water quality in the watershed, but they can also improve farm profitability and habitat for native wildlife,” Pennington said. “Also of importance, this opportunity does not come around every day, or even very often.”
The Cooperative Extensions Service, part of the Division of Agriculture, is helping to provide site visits, outreach and information. The funded conservation practices are intended to increase farm efficiency and reduce nutrients, sediment, and bacteria from moving off the landscape and into tributaries, and align with the recommendations from the Buffalo River Watershed Management Plan. Some examples of supported conservation practices include brush management, prescribed burning and pasture fencing.