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Man pleads guilty to tax evasion


LITTLE ROCK—Jonathan D. Ross, United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Arkansas, announced today that a man who owned and operated an information technology business that provided services to various governmental entities has pleaded guilty to tax evasion. Ronnie Lyn Drummond, 52, of Brookland, entered this guilty plea earlier today before United States District Judge James M. Moody, Jr.
Judge Moody will sentence Drummond at a later date. Tax evasion is punishable by not more than five years’ imprisonment, not more than three years’ supervised release, and a fine of not more than $100,000.
The investigation revealed that Drummond failed to timely file tax returns for the tax years of 2008 – 2012. When Drummond eventually filed returns for these years, his calculations reflected tax obligations, which Drummond failed to pay. Between 2014 and 2017, the defendant received gross receipts of $1,044,043.05, to include labor and materials. In an attempt to conceal his gross receipts, including income, from the Internal Revenue Service, the defendant cashed the majority of the checks he received. The tax loss, excluding interest and penalties, is $177,357.98.
“Law-abiding U.S. citizens who responsibly file their tax returns each year and pay their taxes expect those who won’t, to be held accountable. Unlike the vast majority of his fellow citizens, Mr. Drummond chose to conceal income; to not file his tax returns for several years; and to fail to pay the amounts he knew were owed to the Internal Revenue Service,” said Ross. “As demonstrated by this case, failure to file taxes or evading paying the taxes you owe, can result in prosecution and a potential sentence in federal prison.”

“Every U.S. Citizen has the common duty of paying their fair share of taxes, which in turn helps provide for the general welfare and the common defense of this great Nation,” said Christopher J. Altemus Jr., Special Agent in Charge, IRS Criminal Investigation, Dallas Field Office. “The women and men of IRS Criminal Investigation will continue to bring people to justice who blatantly disregard their civic duty and willfully break the law by evading their taxes. Mr. Drummond willfully chose not to pay his taxes, and in some cases, he chose not to file his tax returns with the IRS. Now he faces the possibility of jail time and the payment of restitution for taxes owed, plus interest and penalties.”
Drummond was indicted on May 4, 2023, and charged with one count of tax evasion and one count of failure to file taxes. In exchange for his guilty plea to tax evasion, the remaining count was dismissed.
The case was investigated by the Internal Revenue Service with assistance from the Housing and Urban Development Office of Inspector General.