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Former Residents


Hello again Family & Friends in and from Newton County.
I was saddened to learn of the passing of Tommy Ramsey. I had not seen him since 1952 when we left Newton County. His sister, Elizabeth Hayward used to live in Bella Vista and we had lunch several times. I have always been very fond of Liz.
I see they are gearing up for the All School reunion in October. I don't know how many are still living from the class of '56. I think only myself, Carolyn Cowell and Yell Bennett. I haven't heard anything from Yell in a long time.
We found a church we like here very much. However, we haven't been able to go very much.
We had a nice visit from my cousin, Phyllis (Wyatt) and her husband, Gary. She has always been one of my bestest cousins. They brought pastries from McKee bakery at Gentry.
Seth is feeling better now. The Chaplain from Hospice came to see us last week. We had a great fellowship including a sing-a-long. It is good to be with people of like mind.
My daughter, DaLane Dean, of Oklahoma City spent a couple of nights with us. I am always sad when she goes home but she has pets and can't stay away too long. Her son, Brett Ramsey lives just across the street so he checks on Bob and Gracie Mae when she is gone.
I hope you are staying cool and enjoying your summer. It is gone all too fast. Until next time God bless you and "Happy Trails to You!"