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Arctic air means extra care for pets


Fast facts:

Prepare warm, insulated space for outdoor pets
Check engine compartments before starting cars
Arctic air, snow expected early next week

HARRISBURG — When arctic air arrives, pets need extra care, said Craig Allen, Poinsett County extension staff chair for the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture.
The National Weather Service at Little Rock said Wednesday that “by the weekend/early next week, Arctic air will surge into the region from the northwest. This will result in below to much below-average temperatures.”
Lows in Little Rock were expected to fall into the single digits by Monday night, with the forecast high on Tuesday being 27 degrees, the weather service said.
Boston the dog sits in the snow. Taken February 2021. (U of A System Division of Agriculture photo by Kerry Rodtnick)

“Outdoor pets need a sheltered place that is well bedded with dry straw, shavings, blanket strips or other insulating material that traps warm air,” he said. “Check it often and change it whenever it gets wet.
“Be sure to have adequate food and water available. Heated water bowls are handy to have,” Allen said.
Owners need to limit the amount of time indoor pets are exposed to extreme temperatures. Short-haired dog breeds such as greyhounds, Dobermans, boxers, Chihuahuas and miniature breeds “shouldn’t go outside without a sweater or coat, except for short periods to relieve themselves,” Allen said.
Cats, even outdoor cats, will seek warm spots, and sometimes in dangerous ways.
“Cats left outdoors will often crawl into a warm car engine compartment to get warm,” Allen said. “The cat can be seriously injured or killed by the fan blade or fan belt the next time the car is started. Be sure to check for cats or other animals that might have sought out the warmth of your car.”
Preparing vehicles for cold weather service can mean adding or changing antifreeze. Pets can be drawn to spilled antifreeze because of its taste, but antifreeze with ethylene glycol is toxic to pets even in very small quantities.
“Promptly clean up any spills,” he said. “Antifreeze is attractive to pets and can be deadly, even in very small amounts.”