Attention Newton County residents
• To obtain your 911 address please contact the Newton County addressing office at 870-446-2966 or come by Monday — Friday 8-4:30. The office is located upstairs of the courthouse.
ASP DL testing facilities
• At each facility written exams are given from 8 a.m to 11:30 a.m. and the skills exam is by appointment times only. Jasper – The 1st Tuesday of the month. Newton County Sheriff’s Office, 300 North Spring Street.
Jasper Kiwanis Club
• Meets 11:30 a.m. on Wednesdays at the Ozark Cafe.
Al-Anon Meeting
• Support group for family and friends of alcoholics. The Jasper meeting now meets via Zoom every Friday from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. For more information and Zoom ID, call 479-857-8281 or 870-446-2402.
Narcotics Anonymous Meeting
• Meeting in a rotating format on Thursdays at 5:30 p.m. at the Newton County Library. Conducted by Better Together Recovery, 230 south Stone Street, Jasper. 870-446-2983.
Newton County Chamber of Commerce
• Regular monthly meeting is on the third Thursday. The next meeting is at noon on Thursday, May 16. Location changes.
American Legion Auxiliary
• Meets the third Thursday at 4 p.m. The mission of the Auxiliary is to support the veterans. The next meeting is May 16.
Jasper City Council
• The Jasper City Council meets on the third Thursday. Its next meeting will be held May 16.
The Newton County Friends of the Library
• Meets at noon on the third Monday of each month at the Newton County Library. The next meeting will be May 20.
Jasper School District Board of Education
• Regularly meets the third Monday of the month at 6:30 p.m. at the Jasper School Media Center. The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, May 20.
Newton County Animal Welfare
• Regular meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month from 5 to 6 p.m., at the Newton County Library in Jasper. The next meeting is May 21.
Community Matters
• A group representing churches and non-profit organizations serving Newton County meets the fourth Thursday of each month at 10 a.m., at the Jasper Methodist Church Fellowship Hall. The next meeting is May 23.
Campbell Edgmon Post 93 Auxiliary
• Meets the fourth Thursday of every month at the Legion Hut in Jasper from 4-6 p.m. The next scheduled meeting is May 23.
Newton County Healthcare Association, Inc.,
• Meets the last Tuesday of the month. The next meeting will be on Tuesday, May 28, at 5 p.m., in the Conference Room of Newton County Nursing Home.
Newton County Historical Society
• Meets the last Tuesday of each month at 5:30 p.m. at the Bradley House Museum in Jasper. Public is invited. The next meeting is May 28
Mt. Judea Area Alliance
• Meets the last Tuesday of each month at 4 p.m. in the old cafeteria on the Mt. Judea School campus. The next meeting is Tuesday, May 28.
American Legion, All you can eat pancakes and waffles with butter and syrup
• Scrambled eggs and sausage patties, biscuits and sausage gravy, along with coffee, milk, and orange juice. Only $8 on the first Saturday of every month, starting at 7 a.m., at the American Legion Hut in Jasper. Served by Boy Scouts from Jasper/American Legion Troop 446. The next breakfast will be Saturday, June 1.
The Newton County Library Board of Trustees
• The Newton County Library Board meeting meets the first Monday bimonthly (Feb., April, June, Aug., Oct., Dec.) at 4 p.m. in the community room at the Newton County Library. If the first Monday is a holiday or if a quorum cannot be convened, the Board will meet the following Monday or on another day as directed by the Chair. The next meeting is June 3.
Jasper Community Garden
• Meet on the first Monday of each month at the Jasper United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall at 5:30 p.m. The next meeting is June 3.
The Newton County Quorum Court
• Meets the first Monday of each month at the courthouse beginning at 7 p.m., unless the first Monday is a holiday, then the quorum court meets Tuesday. The next meeting is Monday, June 3.
Western Grove City Council
• Meets the first Tuesday of the month. The council meets at 7 p.m., at the Western Grove City Hall. The next meeting will be Tuesday, June 4.
The Deer/Mt. Judea District Board of Education
• Regularly meets the second Monday of the month at 6:30 p.m. Location alternates between the Deer and Mt. Judea campuses. The next meeting is June 10.
The Newton County Local Emergency Planning Committee
• Meets the second Monday of each month at the Jasper Methodist Church Fellowship Hall, at 10 a.m. The next meeting, will be June 10.