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Unregistered sex offender and armed felon arrested


Newton County Sheriff Glenn Wheeler reported Monday, Feb. 3, his office arrested a wanted Missouri man who had been hiding in Newton County after absconding from Missouri on felony warrants for failure to register as a sex offender, and burglary. His original charges in Missouri were related to sexual molestation of a child.
Newton County Chief Deputy Mike Blocker had gained information that Bobby Earl Ramsey, Jr., 47, was hiding and working in Newton County for approximately a year. Chief Deputy Blocker contacted the Wright County, Missouri, Sheriff’s Office and confirmed the information and the description of Ramsey. Deputies went to the place of employment and located Ramsey, taking him into custody without incident. Ramsey was patted down and transported to the Newton County Jail. Once inside the jail, Ramsey was strip searched and a small, loaded and well-hidden .32 cal. derringer was located on his body.

In addition to the Missouri warrants, Ramsey was charged in Newton County with failure to reply with reporting requirements for sex offenders, felon in possession of a firearm, furnishing or possession prohibited articles, possession of drug paraphernalia and being a habitual offender. A judge set his bond at $75,000.
Sheriff Wheeler said, “we are glad a citizen took the initiative to notify our office that a man like Ramsey was hiding here and we were able to find him so quickly and get him out of our community and away from our children.”