As a self-employed writer, I’ve become knowledgeable about how high my income taxes really are. Every now and then I like to reply to readers with tax advice.
Q: Dear Tom, they say the only things certain in life are death and taxes, but could I still pay taxes when I am gone? (Curious in California)
A: Dear Curious, you could. Every now and then the federal government raises taxes retroactively. When this happens, the recently dead must pay higher taxes on their prior year’s income. But it’s not like they are going to complain about it!
Q: Dear Tom, my dog won’t stop howling. What could it be? (Ned from Nevada)
A: Dear Ned, you appear to have the wrong advice column, but let me try to help. It could be that your dog is self-employed and he just realized how high his income taxes really are.
Q: Dear Tom, someone also told me I’m paying taxes on gasoline, utility bills, retail goods and in many other ways I’m not even aware of. (Really Mad in Madison)
A: Dear Mad in Madison, you are correct, sir! If you were to calculate all the taxes you are paying, you would soon discover that more than half of your money is supporting some government body somewhere.
Q: Dear Tom, my dog is still howling, but now I have a bigger problem. My wife is howling, too. (Ned, still from Nevada)
A: Dear Ned, don’t worry. Your wife is probably worried about taxes going up even more, depending on who the next president is. Maybe you should give your wife some scotch.
Q: Dear Tom, didn’t FDR say of Social Security that “No damn politician will every take it away?” (Curious in Columbus)
Copyright 2024 Tom Purcell, distributed exclusively by Cagle Cartoons newspaper syndicate.