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Gone, but not forgotten: Columbus and Delia Hudson Farm


1921-1955 Farm complex.
Listed in Arkansas Register of Historic Places on 08/03/05

Excerpts from Arkansasheitage.com

The Columbus and Delia Hudson Farm, constructed circa 1921, is being nominated to the Arkansas Register of Historic Places under Criterion A, with local significance, for its association with agricultural history in Mt. Judea, Newton County. It is also being nominated under Criterion C as a good example of an early 20th century farm. The main house has been sheathed in aluminum siding, circa 1990, which precludes it from listing in the National Register of Historic Places.
Established on Dec. 14, 1842, Newton County was the 47th county created in Arkansas, and was carved from a portion of neighboring Carroll County in the northwest corner of the state. Black, red and white oak forests cover the mountainsides, as do sweet and black gum. Named for Thomas Willoughby Newton, who was the United States Marshal for Arkansas at the time, land in the county was settled by pioneers as early as 1825, though the area had been occupied by Native Americans for hundreds of years prior to that date.
Jasper, the county seat, was established by 1840, and became the county seat in 1843. The first county seat was located on Shop Creek, near Parthenon in the central part of the county, in the home of John Bellah. By 1856, there were ten post offices in the county, with Mt. Judea, being the last of the ten to be established. The first white settlers in what is now known as Mt. Judea were Ephraim Greenhaw and John Nichols. Greenhaw and Nichols named the newly settled town after the biblical Mt. Judea.

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