LITTLE ROCK – On Saturday, Oct. 28, from 10 a.m. to 2.p.m., the DEA and local law enforcement will be conducting Drug Take Back events across the state. Arkansans are encouraged to drop unwanted, unused, or expired prescription medications in a Drug Take Back box where those drugs will be destroyed. There are over 275 Take Back boxes available across the state, and the main rally point for the Fall 2023 Take Back will be held at McCain Mall in North Little Rock, Arkansas.
A drop box ion Newton County is located in the lobby of the sheriff's office in Jasper. In 2021, over 107,000 people died of a drug overdose in the United States, which is almost 300 people a day. When expired or unused medications are thrown away or flushed down the drain, they often end up in our drinking water. The Arkansas Drug Take Back was developed in 2010 to help Arkansas families secure, monitor, and dispose of their unwanted, unused, or expired prescription medications. To date, Arkansas has safely destroyed over 274 tons of these turned over medications. Do your part to keep your community safe. For those that cannot make the date, know that Arkansas has over 275 take back box sites which are available every day. Please see for more information.