The earworm “1-8-7-7 Kars 4 Kids” always struck me as a stellar example of how insufferable advertising can be when its creators really put their minds to it. The organization behind the long-running ad boasts that the jingle “has quickly become one of the most memorable and catchy radio ads of all time.”
Though I’m not keen on encouraging youngsters to misspell words like “cars,” and while I’ve never understood who among us has enough extra autos sitting around that they’d willingly give one away, at least the dreadful tune is for charity.
That rationale won’t fly for the pharmaceutical industry that has slyly decided the best way to sell drugs on TV is to have a cast of unusually cheerful folks dance and sing about the likes of diabetes, colon exams and irritable bowels. If you watch almost any news or sports program you’ve undoubtedly run into — or away from — ditties such as “I have Type 2 diabetes, but I manage it well. It’s a little pill with a big story to tell!”
That’s from the dance number for Jardiance, a diabetes drug that sells for about $570 a month. Equally annoying is an ad that has the audacity to bastardize a Frank Sinatra classic: “My doc and I agree I’d pick the time, today’s a good day. I screened with Cologuard and did it my way!”
But nothing — I truly hope — can be more painful than the song-and-dance number for Pepto-Bismol: “When you have nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, di-a-rrhea…” In the scene, three young corporate types, in what looks like an office break room, belt out the lyrics while rubbing their stomachs and smiling so broadly you’d think they just won a month’s vacation rather than a trip to the bathroom.
Copyright 2024 Peter Funt distributed by Cagle Cartoons newspaper syndicate.