RUSSELLVILLE—Arkansas Tech University is the only public, four-year institution of higher education in the State of Arkansas that has committed to zero increase in tuition, mandatory fees and student housing costs for the 2024-25 academic year.
Eight of the state’s other public universities have announced tuition and mandatory fee increases ranging from 2.9 percent to 9 percent for next year.
In April, the ATU Board of Trustees approved proposals to hold tuition, mandatory fees and housing rates steady at Arkansas Tech in 2024-25.
“These are challenging times for the people of Arkansas and their families,” said Dr. Russell Jones, ATU interim president. “The pressure of inflation and other economic factors are forcing Arkansans to make difficult choices. It is important that higher education remains accessible. By doing so, we allow individuals and families to improve their lot in life and we help drive economic development in our state.