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As life goes by


Last week before I wrote my Life going by, I had pain that kept me from being able to concentrate on typing, and my daughter, Elisa insisted I make a trip to the ER in Rogers. I had not slept well Saturday night and wasn’t up to going to church Sunday morning. Elisa said to me that we were going to the ER since I was doubling in pain and had actually missed church. So we headed to the hospital where they had a hard time getting a needle to find a vein to work. Any way, after a number of tries, I was taken into a room for a test. I thought I was having diverticulitis and a UTI. The pain was from the UTI and after sending me home with antibiotics and Tylenol for pain, I should have been as good as new! It has taken me all week to get better. Who knows, maybe more time is needed. Will be as good as new by Christmas.
My Hobbits club met for our Christmas luncheon where we took gifts for the children whose names we picked from the Christmas tree. Next week we are decorating the God’s Pantry and then getting all the gifts ready for the families to pick up. The parents get gift wrapping paper and the gifts without being wrapped so the parents can see what they are getting. It is amazing how much the kids will get for Christmas.
After the meeting, I went to Rogers for the Advent service at church. I ate with the church members, went to choir practice, and then to the Advent service where I read scripture for the service.

On Thursday evening, the family of Margie Beasley, got together for a birthday party that had been planned for Margie before she passed away last month. Margie would have been 99 on Dec. 5. The family plays pitch and eats when they get together. There were three tables of pitch players with a few who came by to visit. There was a lot of talk about Margie and the fun we always had when she was a part of the group. Margie will be missed.
A few years ago, a friend of mine told me about Hallmark movies and I have gotten hooked on them. At times I find I have already seen some of the shows, but the closer to Christmas, the more new ones I see. They are always good and usually a lot of love in them.
Have a great week, stay healthy and happy!