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We all know vice presidential debates rarely move the public opinion needle. In 2020 Donald Trump was thrown out of office by a record 81 million voters because he was Donald Trump, not because a fly … more
When the weather turns damp and horrible and all I want to do is curl up by the radiator, my coworkers always get the bright and chirpy idea of going canoeing together. Lake temperatures tend to be … more
“Telling Our Stories.” That’s the 2024 theme of National Newspaper Week (October 6-12). Newspaper employees are being encouraged to share with the readers exactly why they chose the … more
I’ll never forget the look on my father’s face when he learned about the crook who stole my British sports car. It was the spring of 1988 and I was a senseless 26 year old. I’d just … more
The state budget profoundly influences our daily lives, affecting everything from education to healthcare. As the legislative session approaches, the General Assembly takes the time to assess the … more
LITTLE ROCK — When the legislature convenes in regular session in January, lawmakers will consider changing how district courts are funded. The outcome will be important throughout the judicial … more
The halls of the U.S. Capitol are no stranger to legends of American history. Statues of influential figures line various halls and the Capitol Visitor Center to honor those who have embodied the … more
In the current economy, when a visit to the grocery store requires a long-term financing plan, it has become clear that our family must find ways to spend less. This is especially challenging for us … more
There are many ways to stay calm. Try meditation. Or deep breathing. Or horse tranquilizer. I need all three to get through a vet appointment. And I don’t mean to calm down my dog. I need the … more
My parents used to talk about the county’s farmers streaming into town on Saturday and shopping until midnight. From my own childhood, I still remember Petula Clark’s then-new song … more
As we enter the month of October, Arkansas gears up to celebrate Arkansas Farm to School Month – a time dedicated to connecting schools, early childhood education sites, and various … more
Arkansas has made a monumental impact on the nation’s capital this year outside of the usual policy debates among the legislative and executive branches or landmark Supreme Court cases. … more
LITTLE ROCK – Most of the universities in Arkansas reported increases in enrollment for the fall semester. The state’s funding formula for higher education no longer emphasizes … more
It’s usually good to be a purist, but not in politics. Purism in politics is not feasible. The Republicans in the House proved that for the millionth time this week when they tried to pass the … more
My neighborhood is being torn down, and my mood is going up. Or maybe it’s the other way around. My city ran a surplus this year, so the municipal council took a good look at their spending … more
I confess to employing the occasional half-truth. In order to keep conversations moving (and save face), I sometimes mumble, “Sort of” when someone queries, “You know where … more
As a self-employed writer, I’ve become knowledgeable about how high my income taxes really are. Every now and then I like to reply to readers with tax advice. Q: Dear Tom, they say the only … more
Arkansas agriculture producers recently traveled to Washington, D.C. to urge Congress to pass a strong farmer-focused farm bill before the end of this year. I was grateful to meet with the men and … more
Exactly six months ago, the Biden-Harris Administration’s EPA announced its overreaching and unrealistic vehicle tailpipe emissions rule, which is essentially a de facto ban on the sale of … more
The deadline to register to vote for the November General Election is fast approaching. If you are not already registered, you have until Monday, October 7 to turn in your registration form. The … more
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