Republicans are never going to impeach Joe Biden.
I wish more Republicans would beat that fact into their skulls.
Just as Democrats weren’t able to impeach Donald Trump because they didn’t control the Senate, Republicans are never going to impeach Biden for the same reason.
It doesn’t matter how corrupt Biden and his family are, how he has allowed 8 million illegal immigrants to invade our Southern border or how mentally out-of-it he is.
Biden will never be impeached and MAGA Republicans have already wasted far too much time and energy blustering about it.
It was always a political dead end for the GOP. Now it’s suicidal – a cliff that leads to another disastrous and embarrassing legislative failure for Republicans.
Wanting to impeach Biden at this point is also incredibly stupid. His poll numbers are in the toilet. He’s so obviously inept and demented even his partisan defenders and sycophants in the major liberal media are turning against him.
Why would Republicans ever want him to be replaced?
He’s the worst president in history. If they can’t defeat him in the fall, the party my father brought back from the dead might as well fold its tent and go the way of the Whigs.
I think most sensible Americans are tired of the tit-for-tat impeachment game. I know I am.
But I’m also tired of Republicans’ constantly railing about what they’re against and never telling us what they are for.
Yeah, yeah, if we watch Fox, we know how terrible Biden’s open border, out-of-control spending and foreign policy fiascoes are.
Trump tells us about it all the time. So does Fox and the conservative talk show people.
But most Americans never see or hear about the damage Biden and the Democrats in Washington and our big cities have done to the country in three short years.
Copyright 2024 Michael Reagan, distributed exclusively by Cagle Cartoons newspaper syndicate.