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Our correspondents: As life goes by


Every time I go to decoration at Union Hill, I see people who are a part of the history of Newton County. Sunday was off and on rainy, so a lot of people had gone to the cemetery on Saturday. Some of the Sheltons and Garrisons were there along with Rosalea and Rey Hernandez from Rogers/Lowell area. When I got to John and Wanda’s, the first person I saw was Ray Phillips who now lives in Arizona. He loves the area, but his wife wanted to move to be near their kids. (You know what happens when you do that-the kids move away). There was a house full with all of John and Wanda’s kids and grandkids, along with Jackie, Jane, Amanda, Mary Margaret and Wilkes Cude. Funny thing about Wilkes family is that his grandfather, Jerry Cude used to hunt with Jay Dee (Jackie’s husband) and the guys who got together each hunting season. “Small world!”
I had thought Patty and Bob were going to ride to Jasper from Springdale with Jackie and me, but Patty didn’t feel good, so they stayed home. Ray had been spending time at Billy Pat Phillips’ for the last week and roaming the county. We had a good visit with the family and headed home with a box full of food for Patty and Bob. We stopped at the Shoemaker’s and visited before I had to drive on home to Garfield. Long day, but pleasurable.
Amanda and her son, Colorado had floated the Buffalo from Ponca to Kyle’s Landing on Saturday with friends. He had to go back to Fayetteville to work and Amanda spent the night with friends in a cabin on the Buffalo and then came on to John’s the next day. The river was high, but Amanda loves that type of float.
On Friday, Mary Margaret ran in a conference track meet in Bentonville. She qualified to run this week in the state competition in Rogers at Heritage High School on May 6. She will be running in Missouri next year with the Missouri State University. Guess I had better get my car gassed up for all the running around I may be doing next year!

Elisa and Samantha have been involved in biking in the area. They work at the meets, work on trails, and Samantha has become a good competitor in the races in her age group. She is twelve. She enjoys the rides, even though she comes home showing me where she got scratched and scraped. Elisa enjoys kickball and has started playing again this season. She stays busy landscaping and doing lawn care. It is birthday time for Elisa this week. I recall when she was born, Grayson, gave me a handmade card that said, “Some people will do anything to get a Mother’s Day card!” The Sunday after she was born was Mother’s Day.
The rain in the NW part of Arkansas was hard to believe! Six to eight inches in a couple of hours can do and did a lot of damage. A number of roads were closed due to mud slides and high waters. What a spring!
Wearing masks and taking the vaccine is big on our list now. Hopefully, we are nearing the end of the pandemic. Encourage your family and friends to take the vaccine so we can eradicate COVID-19. Have a good week.