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Northark Foundation to consider land acquisition, expand South Campus


During its regular August meeting North Arkansas College Board Trustees gave their stamp of approval authorizing the Northark Foundation to take the next step to purchase 75 acres which adjoins the South Campus currently owned by Jim Newberry.
This property is directly accessible from Union Road and is situated just south of the South Campus. Additionally, the property contains two mid to high-volume water wells. Appraiser Jack Mays, Jr. recently conducted an appraisal valuing the land at $1,064,000 or $14,000 per acre.
There are multiple purposes the college is considering for this property. The property would enable Northark to enhance agriculture course offerings and better prepare students for transfer to Arkansas Tech University and the University of Arkansas Bumpers School of Agriculture, which are two of the primary destinations for Northark Agriculture students. It is noteworthy the University of Arkansas Extension Office borders the property under consideration. It is anticipated the land’s proximity to the Extension office would add more opportunities for increased interactions with their organization.
The second potential advantage helps achieve a goal which has been part of Northark’s Master Plan for the future for many years: having all campuses together. Besides the South Campus, Northark currently has a Main Street location and a North Campus which could be relocated. The College has a Carroll County Center that serves residents in Berryville and surrounding areas which would remain there.
The land acquisition will now be turned over the Northark Foundation Board of Directors for further action.