Lurton was home to the I C Sutton Handle Factory in the 1940s. At the time, it was one of the largest handle factories in the world.
In 1943, Mr. Sutton purchased 1,000 acres of timber near the Cave Creek Post Office. He installed three caterpillar tractors to take the place of mule teams in dragging the long logs to the mills where they were cut up into handle lengths before being hauled to the factory at Lurton (Arkansas Gazette, Aug. 23, 1943).
The largest angora goat ranch in the state in 1917 was located two miles from Jasper.
Barbara LeRoy is the author of “Which Side Were They On?,” a new 302 page book listing biographical sketches of the Newton Countians who were involved in the Civil War, available for sale either in the Bradley House Museum or by purchasing online at The book sells for $33.