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FBC hosting popular speaker Blackaby


First Baptist Church (FBC) in Harrison will host internationally renowned author and speaker, Richard Blackaby, this weekend. Blackaby will give a program on March 8, 6:30 — 9 p.m. and March 9, 8:30 a.m. — Noon. Through this free program, informed by the popular book co-authored by Blackaby with his father — “Experiencing God,” he will explore how to “unpack the principles and realities of ‘experiencing God.’”

FBC promises an exciting experience, “The truths from the word of God in this course ensure that you are never the same again, because we won't just fill our heads with information, we will seek to actually experience the Living God together.”

Senior Pastor Rob Davis looks forward to seeing the community attend this event, one that has been many months in planning for the church. “We are really pleased that he is coming. They usually don’t do it in a small venue like this, so this is really something special,” Davis shared.

Richard Blackaby has authored and co-authored numerous books, with sales exceeding eight million copies. His titles include: “Experiencing God,” “The Experiencing God Study Bible,” “The Ways of God,” “The Seasons of God,” “Spiritual Leadership,” “God in the Marketplace,” “The Inspired Leader,” “Spiritual Leadership Coaching,” “Living Out of the Overflow” and “Flickering Lamps: Christ and His Church.”

He is the president of Blackaby Ministries International. He has a Ph.D. in church history from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and has served as a senior pastor and as a seminary president.

Blackaby travels extensively and speaks internationally on spiritual leadership, experiencing God, revival, and God in the marketplace. He regularly works with Christian CEOs of Fortune 500 companies. You can follow him on Twitter at @richardblackaby, Facebook at Dr. Richard Blackaby, or his podcast at The Richard Blackaby Leadership Podcast. Blackaby and his wife Lisa live in Atlanta. Their three children all serve in ministry. They also have eight grandchildren, 5 boys and 3 girls.

First Baptist Church is located at 1400 South Pine Street in Harrison. You can learn more about the church and view a video of Richard Blackaby on the FBC website at www.fbcharrison.org/