LITTLE ROCK — The most widely used publications from the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture have been updated for 2025 with the latest research-based recommendations for managing weeds, disease and pests in row crop agriculture, as well as fruit, vegetable and garden production.
The 2025 publications include:
MP44 — Recommended Chemicals for Weed and Brush Control:
MP144 — Insecticide Recommendations for Arkansas:
MP154 — Arkansas Plant Disease Control Products Guide:
Copies of guides are available at county extension offices at no charge. Digital copies of the guides, along with other extension publications, are available online at
“MP” stands for “miscellaneous publication.” Extension faculty update the guides annually to ensure that Arkansas growers and producers have the most current research-based information when making decisions. The guides are the Division of Agriculture’s most requested publications, with more than 18,500 copies of the guides delivered to county extension offices earlier this month.
“Our comprehensive series on agrichemicals to control weeds, insects, and plant diseases helps put the right options in the hands of farmers, growers and homeowners,” said Shane Gadberry, associate vice president for agriculture and natural resources for the Division of Agriculture. “Information in the guides is supported by trial data and product label information.”
Weed management
MP44, “Recommended Chemicals for Weed and Brush Control,” is the most requested publication and is a must-have resource for anyone using herbicides for weed control in Arkansas.
“New information is included on herbicide-resistant weed species and management practices, as well as an updated map of Palmer amaranth resistance in Arkansas including counties where multiple-resistant populations have been identified,” said Tom Barber, extension weed scientist for the Division of Agriculture. “In addition, information and links for updates on the Endangered Species Act mitigation measures and herbicide strategy are provided.”
MP44’s forage section reflects changes in recommended application timing, said Hannah Wright-Smith, extension weed specialist. “Notable changes include earlier applications of 2,4-D to control buttercup and a recommended fall/ winter application of Rezilon with a Feb. 15 cutoff date.”