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Addi and I had a very busy Christmas season. We hosted my dad’s side of the family on Friday, December 20. We had ten folks there that evening. We hosted my mom’s side of the family on Christmas Eve afternoon. There were about 22 folks there that evening. We also celebrated Christmas with Addi’s family on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. I was sick for a few days after Christmas, but got to enjoy most of the second week of Christmas break.
We made a trip over to Lowell to visit my great-aunt Donna Villines on Saturday, January 4. We had a good visit with her and my cousin, Melissa.
We want to extend sympathy to the family of Ermalea (Henderson) Butler. She passed away on December 27. She was the sister of Cynthia Villines. Her funeral and burial were on December 31. Our thoughts are with Herman and the rest of the family at this sad time.

Our long-time friend, Richie Poe, passed away on December 29. Our thoughts are with Becky and the family. We also wanted to extend our sympathy to the family of Billie Joe Blevins, who passed away on January 2. We attended his visitation on Monday.
Weather permitting, the Compton Volunteer Fire Association will meet on Monday, January 13, at 6:00 p.m. at the County Line Baptist Church. Membership dues may be mailed to the Compton Volunteer Fire Department at PO Box 845, Compton. Dues are $35 per year. Thank you to all those who support the Fire Department.
We appreciate those who keep the highways clear during inclement weather. They will probably be busy for the next few months.