City of Jasper receive USDA grant for fire vehicle
Jasper Brush Truck Certificate Presentation
USDA Rural Development Arkansas (RD-Arkansas) presented a $50,000 Community Facilities Grant Certificate to the City of Jasper January 7 that was used to help purchase a new Brush Truck for the Jasper Fire Department. This new vehicle will help the city’s first responders provide more reliable emergency services and protection to the area's rural residents. Pictured left to right: Johnny James, RD-Arkansas Harrison Area Office Director; Jasper Mayor Mike Thomas; Jennifer Embach, RD-Arkansas Harrison Area Office Community Programs Specialist; Pam Emerson, Jasper Volunteer Fire Department Chief; and Janet Clark, Jasper City Clerk.
Contributed photo
Jasper Brush Truck Check Presentation
USDA Rural Development Arkansas (RD-Arkansas) presented a $50,000 Community Facilities Grant Check to the City of Jasper January 7 to help purchase a new Brush Truck for the Jasper Fire Department. This new vehicle will help the city’s first responders provide more reliable emergency services and protection to the area's rural residents. Pictured left to right: Johnny James, RD-Arkansas Harrison Area Office Director; Jasper Mayor Mike Thomas; and Jennifer Embach, RD-Arkansas Harrison Area Office Harrison Area Office Community Programs Specialist.