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As life goes by


What a week! It brings back memories of my junior year in high school. Kennedy was shot and killed in Dallas. The shooting of Trump, even though he was not killed, he was shot while making a speech. It has been a long time since 1963. The president shared how we are not enemies just because we are in two different parties. There is no reason to shoot people who are in different parties. America has elections to choose our leaders. There should be no need for violence. We must reset our thinking!
Last week, my friend, Roxie and I went to Spay AR to deliver food for the workers. We make sandwiches, brownies, and chips to take to them once a month. It started as an EHC project a number of years ago and we have continued it. Our EHC group is from Benton County and Spay AR is in Washington County. Roxie and I go and sometimes Terri goes with us. We go out to eat afterward and make it a fun drive over.
Roxie has been dealing with tornado damage. The work has just begun! My pastor shared the work our LERT crew did while they were in the area helping remove the trees not covered by insurance. He said they removed 315 trees. If that was a cost of $4,000 a tree that was a large savings for the church members and friends who asked for help. In the five - six weeks of work, there were 50 people helping with the work. They were volunteers from many different states on this Lutheran Emergency Team. Our church provided sleeping quarters at the church, along with showering and meals daily. Church members brought food to share with them. None of us realized how long the volunteers were going to be here.
My pinochle group met on Friday night and my EHC group met on Saturday at the church. The volunteer team of men and women were gone before we got there on Friday evening. We are having a rummage sale, which will benefit our Parents Day Out program, and the tables were covered when we got to the church for our card game, with rummage items which will be sold on July 18-20. Then the room will be used for our Vacation Bible School on the evenings of July 21-25. We have a Unity service, Sunday (which is both services worshiping together and then a potluck meal at noon.) on Sunday, July 21. Busy place!
We are continuing to have hot weather with a lot of humidity. Some people are getting vegetables from their gardens. I have heard of many gardens feeding wild animals. The hotter and dryer weather we have the more animals eating from the gardens.
Have a great week! Try to stay cool.