The Arkansas Department of Transportation (ARDOT) has deployed its Strike Team from central Arkansas and other snowplow and salt brine tanker drivers from three of its southern districts to assist the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (LADOTD) in managing a potentially record-setting winter weather event.
“ARDOT is pleased to assist the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development with the winter storm anticipated to impact a large portion of Louisiana,” ARDOT Director, Jared Wiley, said.
The team, consisting of approximately 60 ARDOT employees, will focus on pre-treating and plowing sections of Interstate 10, Interstate 49, U.S. Highway 190, and Interstate 12.
“This assistance is made possible through the use of an Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC). Congress authorized EMACs in 1996, enabling states to cross state lines during times of emergency or declarations of disasters,” Wiley explained. “Through the EMAC agreement, ARDOT’s primary mission will be to keep traffic moving on the heaviest traveled corridors in the impacted region. The EMAC ensures that Arkansas will be reimbursed for all expenses during the mission, including salaries, equipment usage, supplies, travel, and lodging.”